What is this? Remember Mr. Potato Head? Well, here's Little Dot with a twist of magic! It starts with a lot of mixed up pieces. With a little help from you, they are quickly assembled into a cute little fellow, threaded onto a rope, who will - at your command - begin to slide down the rope, stopping at your command at any point along the rope! And then, at your command, resume his travel. Very cute and a lot of fun. Includes Little Dot, all the pieces, his own case, instructions, and a ministry lesson routine.
$45.00 postpaid


This high impact visual illustrates how to have close relationships with family, friends, etc. The center wooden block knotted onto the ropes represents loneliness. Two additional blocks, one threaded onto each side of the center block, represent persons unable to develop a close relationship due to that which separates them. Only a miracle could make it possible - watch the amazement when the center block apparently passes through the ropes and drops to the floor! At the same time, the remaining two blocks slide toward one another, remaining threaded onto the ropes next to each other! All items may be passed for inspection. A great trick with many uses. Comes with lessons and instruction.


What a great way to illustrate the importance of listening and being obedient. Large heart slides up and down on rope. At your command, it stops and starts anywhere on the rope, with your hands nowhere near the heart. Comes with lesson and instructions. Ears Velcro on and off.


New items will be added periodically to this page,
featuring variety performance props and
teaching tools from
Kevin Detweiler, owner of Animated Puppets.
Thank you for visiting.
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